The Table of Contents for The Darkly Splendid Realm may now be revealed:
*Introduction: Vistas of Evil Splendor by Laird Barron
*Prowling Through Throated Chambers
*Where the Scarab Dwells
*Phantom Passages
*Primeval Wood
*Final Night in Nevertown
*Children of the Mound
*The Language of the Nameless Region
*The Astral Mask
*Dreaming While Adrift on the River of Despair
*Getting the Strap
*The Bitter Taste of Dread-Moths
*Following the Silent Hedges
*Author's Afterword
The Autumn 2009 release date has been confirmed by Dark Regions Press. Pre-order information as well as free online sample stories and a preview of Harry O. Morris's incredible cover art will be available soon. Keep an eye on Fear's Altar for further updates.