Very nice.
And ye gods, what an impressive line-up:
'The Rites of Pentecost' - Peter Bell
'The Filature' - Adam Cantwell
'Tlaloc' - Angela Caperton
'Endor' - Mike Chislett
'Salmacis' - Stephen J. Clark
'A Pallid Devil Bearing Cypress' - Richard Gavin
'The Devil In The Box' - Orrin Grey
'Magicians And Moonlight' - Katherine Haynes
'Lotte Of The Black Piglet' - Colin Insole
'Crossing The Sea Of Night' - Mark Howard Jones
'Dogs' - rj krijnen-kemp
'The Naked Goddess' - Daniel Mills
'White Roses, Bloody Silk' - Thana Niveau
'Singing Blood' - Reggie Oliver
'Mathilde' - Ray Russell
'Masks'- Mark Samuels
'The Unrest At Aachen' - Mark Valentine
'Holzwege' - D. P. Watt
Ordering details and cover art are forthcoming. I'm told the book's design will match Side Real's other HHE titles, so in other words, this anthology will be a thing of beauty.