Tuesday, September 17, 2013

AT FEAR'S ALTAR reviewed on Teleread

Paul St. John Mackintosh has written a glowing and insightful review of At Fear's Altar for Teleread.com to coincide with the release of the collection's e-book version.

A sample:

"For once, the canned plaudits that describe Gavin as “a master of esoteric horror fiction in the tradition of Arthur Machen, Algernon Blackwood, and H.P. Lovecraft” actually get it right. His work does recall Machen and Blackwood – not the most obvious inspirations for any modern weird fiction writer, even those, like me, who took their models from Lovecraft’s exemplars in his “Supernatural Horror in Literature.” There is the same often quiet and even sedate stroll up to the edge of the abyss, the same easy elision from the everyday to the eldritch (and yes I loved writing that). All the same, Gavin doesn’t strike literary attitudes or parade his intellectual gifts. His writing is simply, deeply disturbing."
The complete review can be viewed here.
And for those who might have missed it, some months ago Paul was also good enough to interview me about e-books and my third collection, The Darkly Splendid Realm. That interview can be read here.