Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I’ve never been one to deliver progress reports on projects I'm still in the midst of completing. I only announce works that I feel are ready to be presented to the world. This philosophy, coupled with the fact that I am a writer who tends to build new stories and essays incrementally, accounts for the occasionally long spans of radio silence between project announcements.

Suffice it to say that not only am I writing daily, I am in fact juggling more endeavors than ever before. Many of these are strictly sub rosa at this point, which is good and as it should be. There will be many new works coming to fore in 2014/2015. While not all of them are in the realm of Horror fiction, they are certainly of the Dark. I feel very blessed to be working on the projects to which I’ve been invited, and to be working with the people who invited me.

I wish all of you a happy new year. To those who have taken an interest in my work, I offer my heartfelt thanks as well as a promise that this shadowy descent has only just begun...