Thursday, November 5, 2015

Pre-Orders for THE BENIGHTED PATH are imminent...

Jessica Grote and David Beth are currently in the final phases of preparation on The Benighted Path: Primeval Gnosis and the Monstrous Soul. This book, my most in-depth work on esoteric philosophy and praxis, will be available for pre-order before November's through. The Benighted Path will be published in two distinct editions: the Standard hardcover edition and a special talismanic Auric Edition. Please note that both editions will be strictly limited (the Auric especially). Subscribers receive first notice of pre-orders.

I strongly urge readers to subscribe to Theion Publishing's electronic newsletter, which keeps its members apprised of not only The Benighted Path but also the many other fine titles that Theion offers.

Free subscriptions to the Theion Publishing newsletter can be made here.