"...as the Earth has become an increasingly gutted husk which has been mangled to suit the whims of human beings who view Nature as a mere resource to be exploited, the Benighted Path becomes increasingly alien to the contemporary man, with his industry, his neurotic obsession with quantification, his abjection of whatever he deems 'unclean.' Whether this faith is stationed inside the tabernacle, the laboratory, or the place of commerce matters not, for all such institutions are progenies of the logocentric spirit. Beneath and beyond this spirit seethes the Night Primeval, the vital embodiment of the imagistic language of the pandaemonic Real."
--- from The Benighted Path: Primeval Gnosis and the Monstrous Soul
Residents of North America should be pleased to know that JD Holmes, the excellent purveyor of esoteric books, is also accepting orders for The Benighted Path. His website may be viewed here.
This book is currently at the binders. I have seen a preliminary copy and it is breathtaking, the kind of volume I'd always hoped it would be. Theion Publishing have outdone themselves. I am extremely proud of this creation.