Burning Effigy Press will be hosting an evening of literary delights to launch their spring 2009 line of chapbooks. Among these titles will be the anthology Fresh Blood, which features stories by up-and-coming horror authors (including my friend Dave Alexander), poet Dane Swan's collection Narcotics//Flora, and my own Primeval Wood.
They say the Devil's in the details, so...
What: The Burning Effigy Spring Launch
When: Sunday, May 31st, 2009 @ 7:30pm (approx.)
Where: The Central, 603 Markham Street (in Mirvish Village, south of Bloor Street and 1 block west of Bathurst Street), Toronto, ON.
Cover charge: None. It's free! This way you can channel your monies toward more enjoyable things like the various chapbooks that will be for sale that night, and toward The Central's menu of good food & drink.
I and other B.E. authors will be reading and signing our chapbooks. Consider yourself invited to what should be a very enjoyable evening.