Here is the complete list of my scheduled appearances at this year's conference:
Friday, August 23rd
3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
In his seminal work, “The Idea of the Holy,” German philosopher and theologian Rudolf Otto codified the notion of the mysterium tremendum as an apprehension of the divine that has its “wild and demonic forms and can sink to an almost grisly horror and shuddering,” but may also be “developed into something beautiful and pure and glorious.” In this discussion we will examine how the holy or divine expressed in art and mystical traditions is also often terrifying, and how magic can be mistaken as demonic rather than daemonic.
Panelists: Peter Bebergal, Richard Gavin, Pam Grossman, Dennis Quinn, Janaka Stucky, Anthony Teth (M)
Saturday, August 24th
9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
THROUGH A FOREST, DARKLY: SYLVAN DREAD – Capital Ballroom, Graduate 2ndFloor
Throughout the history of Weird Fiction (and its antecedents in both folklore and the fairy tale) the notion of the Forest has played a key role as setting, subject, and the very darkness at the core of Weird fiction. This discussion will explore the notion of sylvan dread through some of its best contemporary practitioners and, just maybe, we’ll get to the heart of why we have always feared the dark forests of the world.
Panelists: Richard Gavin, Larissa Glasser, Gwendolyn Kiste, Bracken MacLeod (M), Jordan Smith, Paul Tremblay
6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
PLUTO IN FURS Book Release Reading – Narragansett Bayview, Graduate Hotel 17th Floor
Join us for a book release party for the new anthology Pluto in Furs Tales of Diseased Desires and Seductive Horrors. Hosted by editor and publisher Scott Dwyer and featuring readings from Gemma Files, Richard Gavin, Adam Golaski, Orrin Grey, Clint Smith, and Jeffrey Thomas.
Join us for a book release party for the new anthology Pluto in Furs Tales of Diseased Desires and Seductive Horrors. Hosted by editor and publisher Scott Dwyer and featuring readings from Gemma Files, Richard Gavin, Adam Golaski, Orrin Grey, Clint Smith, and Jeffrey Thomas.
Beyond these events, you'll likely find me hiding from the summer inside dim, cool rooms, or roaming about, pretending that I'm sociable...